Thursday, December 10, 2015
Spray Pal + Bambino Mio USA Giveaway!
We had the pleasure of meeting the lovely people behind Bambino Mio cloth diapers while we were at the ABC Kids Expo in Las Vegas a few months back. We had heard of their brand, but we hadn't actually tried their cloth diapers until recently. I must say, we were not disappointed! The diapers are high quality and super soft. Plus, their prints are adorable.
Bambino Mio is based in the UK and their diapers are widely available out there and all across Europe. You can even find them on shelves in mainstream grocery stores! They haven't been as widely available out here in the US, that is until now. Keep your eyes peeled because we are certain you'll be seeing these diapers more and more, and we are excited to give our of our readers the chance to try out their miosolo diaper (or should I say nappy) in the pandamonium print!
Just use the Rafflecopter form below to enter to win a Bambino Mio Miosolo along with a Spray Pal splatter shield, a prize valued at $47! Best of luck!
***Prize open to US only. This post contains affiliate links.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
How to Store Your Spray Pal
The Spray Pal has become a cloth diapering staple for parents who want to handle dirty diapers the EASY way. But with any new and innovative product there may be some questions that pop up along the way. To help you make the most of your Spray Pal (and companion products) we're bringing you an entire FAQ series about our cloth diapering products, so stay tuned for more basics, how-tos, and silly shenanigans by following us here, on Facebook, Instagram, and even Periscope!
So let's get started! We asked you how you stored your Spray Pal and you didn't disappoint. Below are a few of our favorites. And for those who are wondering, CLICK HERE to see how WE store our Spray Pal at home!
So let's get started! We asked you how you stored your Spray Pal and you didn't disappoint. Below are a few of our favorites. And for those who are wondering, CLICK HERE to see how WE store our Spray Pal at home!
While there may be no wrong way, @inherentparent does have some ideas about how-to and how-not-to store your Spray Pal.
A photo posted by theInherentParent (@inherentparent) on
The Peak-a-Boo: Perfect for storage in a tight spot!
A photo posted by Brittany Parzych (@bparzych) on
Tub Time - Even Spray Pals enjoy a little R&R
A photo posted by Jamie Werden Hammel (@jhammel1005) on
Wet Bag Easy Peasy Hanging Storage: You can even store your qdspray!
A photo posted by Ashley Burdick (@lassothemoonmama) on
Waste Binning: It's totally a thing.
A photo posted by Miriam M (@miriamkatherine) on
The Rebel. Who needs storage? Spray that baby off and set it on the floor. It'll tuck right behind the toilet and be ready for the next mess!
Want more great ideas? Check out the #spraypalstorage hashtag on Instagram! And feel free to share your tips below!
Don't have a Spray Pal? You can pick one up a Spray Pal bundle (with sprayer to get you going) here.
Monday, October 5, 2015
Find The “Perfect” Diaper
Let me introduce myself. I am Becky, stay at home mom of a 5 year old and an 18 month old. My first experience with cloth diapering was when my mom cloth diapered me as a baby, and chances are, if you were born in the early 80’s like me, you were cloth diapered too. My mom said back then disposables were expensive. I think they are now too.
Fast forward to May of 2014. I was at a birthday party of one of my bestie’s kids. She started showing me her stash of cloth diapers and they were beautiful! I happened to have a new baby. I know, convenient right? I promptly went home and began my research.
Wow! Things like pockets, all in ones, flats, covers… microfiber inserts, bamboo inserts… Just when you have that figured out you need to decide snaps or hook & loop. How did I find the perfect diaper? Well, I have found it is a lot like bra shopping. Babies, like breasts, come in all shapes and sizes. I asked on my crunchy Facebook groups which diaper was best. There were so many answers. Unlike bra manufacturers that claim they make the perfect bra I have found manufactures in the cloth diapering world to be more truthful.
You see, the perfect diaper is the one that works with your lifestyle. The perfect diaper is the one that fits your baby best. There is no one diaper. No Holy Grail of diapers so don’t worry when you don’t find it.
My advice to you is simple. Don’t spend all of your pennies on one type or brand of diaper. Buy a few different brands and styles. Try them out. See what you like.
I found that pockets work best for us. Lalabye Baby is the diaper I use when we are out and about because my little won’t soak out of them. At home we use Funky Fluff because they are narrow in the crotch and my baby is skinny. We use GroVia all in ones and hybrids. The GroVia all in ones are fabulous under a pair of jeggings! I have a few Bum Genius because the prints were just too stinkin’ cute.
I like snaps over hook & loop. I don’t care for microfiber inserts. (They sure are great for washing the car though!) And I love natural fiber inserts.
If you want to review all of the diapers in one place and not hunt around on the internet like I had to Dirty Diaper Laundry put together a cloth diaper finder, and it is pretty darn amazing!
Most importantly, don’t stress. Don’t feel like you need to defend or justify your “perfect” diaper. I won’t judge and neither should anyone else! I am just happy that you have chosen to dive into the world of cloth diapering.
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Here are the diapers I listed above.
Top: Lalabye
Baby, Funky Fluff, Grovia all in one, Grovia hybrid (hook & loop)
Bottom: Bum
This article been generously contributed by Becky Skidmore, a member of Spray Pal's Team Mainstream!
Friday, September 25, 2015
Our Top 10 Picks for a Cloth Diaper Baby Registry

First, let us say, “Congratulations!” This is such an exciting time, and we’re excited that you’re here. You may have heard some chatter in cloth diapering groups about families being less than supportive of the decision to use cloth, or just not knowing what to buy. The good news is that there is a huge community that knows how easy it really is, and we’re here to help.
Often times family and friends just don’t realize how different cloth is these days: how well it works, how easy it is, etc. By setting up a registry you can gently nudge them in the right direction. While there are a great many cloth diaper retailers that we love, that may not be the easiest way to get to the most stuck-in-the-mud family members. is actually the #1 marketplace and not only do they have a great baby registry option, they also carry a wide range of cloth diapers and accessories. BabyList is another fabulous registry website which will allow you to register for any of the items below from any online retailer! We’ve compiled a short list to help show how easy cloth is, while giving helpful solutions that family members may actually be interested in buying as shower gifts.
Here are our top picks to help you get started:
Spray Pal & Sprayer Bundle
- The first objection you may hear is about sanitation and having to deal with poopy diapers. Ease their worries with the original Spray Pal spray shield and cloth diaper sprayer. Messes will never be a worry with these two around!
- Wet pails for cloth diapers are dated and potentially unsafe to both baby and your diapers — and admitted we’re kind of grossed out by them too. Planetwise wetbags and pail liners are known for their wide assortment of fun prints to match any taste, and they help make cloth diapering a breeze at home and away.
- One big change with cloth diapers is the type of diaper creams allowed to be use (or risk making a mess of your diapers). Traditional creams provide wetness protection and can quickly leave residues on diapers causing leaks, repelling, and even some pretty rank smells. GroVia Magic Stick is one of our absolute favorite tender bottom solutions. The ingredients are better for baby, and they're completely cloth diaper safe!
- You may not realize it yet, but you’ll *love* cloth wipes. They grab so more and clean better than any disposable wipe, and you’re already washing diapers so you might as well give them a try!
- Available in one size and newborn, Thirsties All in One diapers are a favorite in this category. They are affordable and come in some lovely colors and prints, including our favorite “Ocean Life."
- Available in one size and newborn, Rumparooz covers are stylish and functional. Use with your favorite inserts, or put them over an old fashioned prefold!
- There are lots of great detergents that are safe for cloth diapers, but Molly’s Suds is one of our personal favorites. This detergent is specially formulated for baby and your diapers.
- Premium wool dryer balls will soften your laundry without the harsh chemicals found in traditional softeners — plus they can drastically decrease dry time. What’s not to love?
- “Line” dry your diaper covers anywhere with this adorable octopus. Line drying (vs) machine can help extend the life of your covers — especially if you favor hook & loop closures.
- So these may not be for baby’s bum, but they are cloth and washable… and they rock! You’ll love these absorbent but discrete breast pads.
Have a tip or favorite item that we've missed? Let us know below!
Sunday, August 9, 2015
How to do a Loop Giveaway on Periscope
Alright, so I've been using Periscope for approximately 2 weeks now, and as I've mentioned, I'm hooked. When I start experimenting with a new social media platform, I like to think outside the box and come up with fun ways to engage our followers. Periscope is very engaging by nature, so then I started to think of fun ways we could use this for a giveaway!
Here's what I'm thinking:
We'll loop through a few different brands and each brand will have a specific question they plan to ask during their broadcast. The people who tune in live will be able to respond to the question with a comment, and then they can move on to the next brand's scope and answer the question there until they get to the end of the loop. When they've finished, they will go back to the host's broadcast to wait for the winner's names to be announced.
Things for the sponsoring brands to keep in mind:
You'll probably want to write your question down on a sheet of paper to hold up to the camera so that you don't have to keep repeating it as new people enter your broadcast. You can talk about other things as people enter, like maybe your latest products or whatever. Or you can just interact with people as they comment. People love the engagement :)
Things for viewers to keep in mind:
The sponsoring brands will only be live for a limited amount of time, so you'll want to make sure you head to each account and follow them/comment before time runs out so you have more chances to win. It will probably be easiest if you follow them all ahead of time. The host (look for the title that says START HERE) will stay live after the others sign off to choose their winners, so once you are finished you can head that way to wait and hear who has won. The sponsoring brands are being VERY generous with their prizes, so be sure to show them all some love by tapping your screen to make those hearts FLY!
We'll be doing a test run (without the prizes, just to practice) tonight at 7pm Eastern/ 4pm Pacific, so be sure to tune in and learn along with us! Let us know if you have any questions below, and we'll see you there!
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Seriously addicted to Periscope!
Ok, you guys. It's almost starting to look like we are sponsored by Periscope around here, but I assure you we're not. We just REALLY love it. Like a lot. (Although, if Periscope is reading this, we are TOTALLY open for sponsorship opportunities, LOL!)
This new platform, which is owned by Twitter, was introduced to me by a networking group I'm in on Facebook (see how the world of social media is so intertwined??) and I've been hooked ever since I finally caved and downloaded the app on my iPhone. It was super easy to set up an account because it just connected everything through my Twitter account. I was able to find the people I already follow on Twitter and follow them, then I just waited for the magic to happen.
I highly recommend spending a little bit of time exploring the app when you first get it installed. It's fascinating, really. I went to the map page and right away I could see little red dots with numbers indicating people who were live periscoping around the world. It's pretty easy to figure out which a random spammers or 12 year olds and which might actually be worth popping into. I got to watch the Disneyland and Sea World fireworks shows live from my bed, and the other night I even got to see 311 perform live in Austin from my home in Southern California! (Which begs the question if there will be certain copyright and piracy block put in place eventually, but...yeah.) Periscope is so new to the scene that I think there will still be a lot of kinks to work out as they grow, but mark my words, I think this will be the hot new social media platform of the future!
Now, the big question for us is: How can we use Periscope to #makeclothmainstream? Right now we are still in the exploration stage, but I see great things coming live cloth diapering 101 classes, Spray Pal demos dealing with specific styles of diapers, etc. We even did a Periscope Take Over on Green Child Magazine's channel which was super fun and got them over 11,000 hearts!! I'm basically just playing around with the app and figuring out the ins and outs of how it works at this point, but I LOVE asking you guys questions on there and seeing what works for you. Remember when I was still trying to figure out Twitter?? Spray Pal fans are so helpful and knowledgeable...I know we can figure out this Periscope thing together, too!
If you haven't downloaded the app yet, I really think you should! Be sure to follow @spraypal so we can connect! We like to talk cloth diapers, small business, social media, and we'll live broadcast on our travels! We're open to suggestions, too! What would you like to see on the Spray Pal Periscope channel?? Leave us a comment below to let us know!
This new platform, which is owned by Twitter, was introduced to me by a networking group I'm in on Facebook (see how the world of social media is so intertwined??) and I've been hooked ever since I finally caved and downloaded the app on my iPhone. It was super easy to set up an account because it just connected everything through my Twitter account. I was able to find the people I already follow on Twitter and follow them, then I just waited for the magic to happen.
I highly recommend spending a little bit of time exploring the app when you first get it installed. It's fascinating, really. I went to the map page and right away I could see little red dots with numbers indicating people who were live periscoping around the world. It's pretty easy to figure out which a random spammers or 12 year olds and which might actually be worth popping into. I got to watch the Disneyland and Sea World fireworks shows live from my bed, and the other night I even got to see 311 perform live in Austin from my home in Southern California! (Which begs the question if there will be certain copyright and piracy block put in place eventually, but...yeah.) Periscope is so new to the scene that I think there will still be a lot of kinks to work out as they grow, but mark my words, I think this will be the hot new social media platform of the future!
Now, the big question for us is: How can we use Periscope to #makeclothmainstream? Right now we are still in the exploration stage, but I see great things coming live cloth diapering 101 classes, Spray Pal demos dealing with specific styles of diapers, etc. We even did a Periscope Take Over on Green Child Magazine's channel which was super fun and got them over 11,000 hearts!! I'm basically just playing around with the app and figuring out the ins and outs of how it works at this point, but I LOVE asking you guys questions on there and seeing what works for you. Remember when I was still trying to figure out Twitter?? Spray Pal fans are so helpful and knowledgeable...I know we can figure out this Periscope thing together, too!
If you haven't downloaded the app yet, I really think you should! Be sure to follow @spraypal so we can connect! We like to talk cloth diapers, small business, social media, and we'll live broadcast on our travels! We're open to suggestions, too! What would you like to see on the Spray Pal Periscope channel?? Leave us a comment below to let us know!
Monday, July 13, 2015
Spray Pal + Gerber Childrenswear HUGE Giveaway!
You guys, I'm seriously about to become the Oprah of cloth diapers. We're doing something completely different around here and it's going to be SO MUCH FUN. Oh, and did I mention I'll be giving away some cloth diapers? How many, you ask? Well. Let me tell you. 60. Yes, you read that right. Six - ZERO. S-I-X-T-Y cloth diapers. See? We're going Oprah style all up in here! YOU get a cloth diaper, and YOU get a cloth diaper! And your friend gets a cloth diaper, too!
So, how's this going to work? Well, there's one GRAND PRIZE. That's the one you see below on the Rafflecopter. The Grand Prize winner will receive a Spray Pal diaper sprayer + splatter shield plus 10 Gerber AIOs. It's the perfect starter kit for anyone wanting to get started with cloth diapers (or for those currently using cloth who want to add a little variety and EASY spraying to their stash)! Anyone who enters the rafflecopter and has a chance to win, the rafflecopter widget will give us a random name at the end and we'll verify that you've completed the entry and then you'll get an email from yours truly. That's it!
Now, what's so different about that, you ask?? Well you may have noticed I mentioned we were giving away 60 diapers. The grand prize contains 10 of those, but what about the other 50?! That's a pretty significant number of diapers to be given away, right? Here's what we're going to do:
Throughout the week of this giveaway, you'll want to be paying VERY close attention to the Spray Pal and Gerber Childrenswear Facebook and Instagram accounts because that's where the magic will happen. We'll randomly post a SURPRISE FLASH GIVEAWAY on one of the accounts. You never know when or where, but here's a PRO TIP: If you visit those four spaces on social media and set the notifications to "on" you'll be ahead of the game. Both Facebook and Instagram will send you a notification within the app when we post so you won't miss a beat!
The FLASH GIVEAWAYS will be quick and easy...and we'll be giving away diapers in each one! Sometimes it might be one diaper, sometimes it might be a few, sometimes it might be one for you and one for a friend. That's the fun of it, you'll not know in advance what to expect, but you'll have TONS of chances to win yourself some new fluff!
Are you ready for some more great news? Even if you don't win the flash giveaways, you'll get 5 bonus entries on the rafflecopter form for the Grand Prize below just for playing! See why it pays to pay attention? After the flash giveaway ends, just click back over here and grab those bonus entries by telling us where you played. EASY, right? We're huge fans of easy around here. ;)
So let us know what you think in the comments! Are you as excited as I am?!
The contest will open for entries starting on Monday, July 13, 2015 at midnight pacific time! GOOD LUCK!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Saturday, July 11, 2015
San Antonio Pets Alive and Spray Pal are teaming up!
A few weeks ago this Kleenex commercial was released on Facebook, and one of my friends immediately sent me the link. She gets me. Of course I would LOVE an adorable ad that combines to of my favorite things...dogs and cloth diapers.
I immediately shared this on the Spray Pal Facebook page because what better way to #makeclothmainstream? It turned out that a few of our fans had actually adopted pets from San Antonio Pets Alive and mentioned that their dogs, too, were using cloth diapers! Which made me think back to a few months ago when we sent Heather B. Armstrong of fame a Spray Pal diaper sprayer and splatter shield for her beloved Chuck (who I was so sad to read had passed last night). Chuck also wore cloth diapers and was an inspiration to many adoptive pet parents and humans in general.
Between Chance and Chuck I came to the realization that these amazing pets and their owners can benefit from the awesomeness of cloth as much as our babes can! That's what inspired me to reach out to San Antonio Pets Alive to see if we could send them a Spray Pal diaper sprayer and shield to make their cloth diapering journey easier for them. And then we decided to work on something BIG together. This collaboration is two fold:
1) We will raise awareness for no kill pet shelters like San Antonio Pets Alive and encourage people to adopt these loving animals and give them a second chance.
1) We will raise awareness for no kill pet shelters like San Antonio Pets Alive and encourage people to adopt these loving animals and give them a second chance.
2) We will promote the idea of reusable cloth diapers as a viable option for ANYONE needing diapers and help spread the #makeclothmainstream love! We'll also promote the WAHM cloth diaper makers who can recycle their fabric scraps and custom make diapers for dogs.
It's a win-win-win, right?
So, are you interested to know how you can help? GREAT! We were hoping you'd ask! ;)
If you are a WAHM cloth diaper maker and you're interested in donating your time and materials (can be recycled scraps) to make some simple, but custom cloth diapers to be used on dogs of various sizes, please email me at
If you are interested in supporting the mission of the good people at San Antonio Pets Alive, you can make a direct donation here:
Additionally, if you'd like to help BIG with the smallest of gestures, just SHARE this post and help us spread the word!! As always, THANK YOU for helping to #makeclothmainstream!
So, are you interested to know how you can help? GREAT! We were hoping you'd ask! ;)
If you are a WAHM cloth diaper maker and you're interested in donating your time and materials (can be recycled scraps) to make some simple, but custom cloth diapers to be used on dogs of various sizes, please email me at
If you are interested in supporting the mission of the good people at San Antonio Pets Alive, you can make a direct donation here:
Additionally, if you'd like to help BIG with the smallest of gestures, just SHARE this post and help us spread the word!! As always, THANK YOU for helping to #makeclothmainstream!
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
In our mission to #makeclothmainstream, I've been doing a lot of research on Instagram and how to use this social media platform to its full potential. In fact, many of the workshops I attended at Alt Summit last month were directly related to this topic. I heard so many experts in the industry encouraging me to make my photos beautiful and inspiring. I couldn't help but think to myself, "How exactly should I make a poop splatter shield look beautiful?!" It seemed like quite a daunting task. That is, until I looked through the #spraypal hashtag and realized a few different Instagram accounts were able to do it effortlessly and flawlessly. Check out the posts below and let me know if you've ever seen a more beautiful poop splatter shield!
To purchase one of your own (these make a great baby shower gift for anyone planning on cloth diapering their babes) you can head to our website for free shipping over $25 in the US! We also carry a variety of cloth diapers from brands like GroVia, Sloomb, Happy Heiny, Lalabye Baby, plus wetbags, reusable pads and other necessities for cloth diapering!
If you'd like to get your hands on the most gorgeous piece of poop protection on the market, head to our website ( and click "Shop" to order online or check out the "Retailers" tab to see if there's a cloth diaper retailer near you that carries our products! The Spray Pal diaper sprayer and splatter shield make the perfect baby shower gift for any mom planning to use cloth diapers, too!
To purchase one of your own (these make a great baby shower gift for anyone planning on cloth diapering their babes) you can head to our website for free shipping over $25 in the US! We also carry a variety of cloth diapers from brands like GroVia, Sloomb, Happy Heiny, Lalabye Baby, plus wetbags, reusable pads and other necessities for cloth diapering!
A photo posted by GetFITKatie (@getfitkatie) on
If you'd like to get your hands on the most gorgeous piece of poop protection on the market, head to our website ( and click "Shop" to order online or check out the "Retailers" tab to see if there's a cloth diaper retailer near you that carries our products! The Spray Pal diaper sprayer and splatter shield make the perfect baby shower gift for any mom planning to use cloth diapers, too!
Thursday, July 2, 2015
What Does a Spray Pal have to do with Cloth Pads?
Why, I'm so happy you asked! The Spray Pal shield is so amazingly versatile that you really can use it for ANYTHING you want to pre-rinse! But today, we're going to focus our attention on reusable cloth pads. Bear with me as I make this connection for you. ;)
Many moms who get hooked on cloth diapers often dread the day their kids learn to use the potty. This seems odd to those outside of our cloth community, but most fluff loving moms can relate. Gone will be the days of matching outfits to the cute diapers you waited patiently to score on release days. No longer will you be able to show off your child's cute fluff at play dates. What will you talk about at your next family gathering??
I get it, believe me. I do.
But here's the good news! You don't have to stay completely cloth free forever! I'm here to tell you that I was one of these reluctant "crunchy moms" at first. Once you start switching over to the crunchy side, you'll find there's a natural progression. It starts with one or two lifestyle changes. The "Gateway Crunch" I'll call it. Sure, I loved breastfeeding and cloth diapering, but that seemed tame enough. But once you make those changes and realize how EASY they are, you start to wonder, "What was I so afraid of? Maybe I should start looking into xyz." We started looking into our grocery labels more closely. We switched to mostly organic food when possible. We started getting "Farm Fresh to You" boxes delivered. I MADE MY OWN DEODORANT. That was probably the moment my husband looked at me and said, "You've gone full crunchy now, haven't you."
Oh, but I hadn't. Not yet, anyways. Once I hit full crunchy in his eyes I felt I just HAD to find a way to take it one step further. And I did. And THIS change was literally the one that has been the easiest to stick with (aside from cloth diapers) and it's the one that has been the most immediate positive change for me. I ditched tampons and pads for a menstrual cup and cloth pads. Seriously. If you had asked me 5 years ago if I'd ever even consider using these things I probably would have crazy-laughed at you and asked you to leave my house. I was AFRAID. I thought it would hurt. I though cloth pads were SO GROSS. The thought of the whole thing was ridiculous! I could NEVER!!
Until I did. And now I know for a fact I will never do it any other way again. My only regret is that I didn't start sooner. It especially makes a whole lot of sense if you're already using cloth diapers. I pre-rinse my cloth pads using my diaper sprayer with the pad clipped into our Spray Pal shield. Then I drop it into the laundry bag. It could not be any easier. And the comfort!! Ladies, it's been years since I've worn one, but I'll never forget the uncomfortableness of a disposable pad. That's one of those memories that will never fade because it's just that awful. If that's a level 2 on a comfort scale of 1-10, then cloth pads are an 11. I'm not kidding. Have you ever bough a brand new cloth diaper and just nuzzled your face in it when you opened it because you can't get over how soft it is? Maybe you've uttered the words, "This thing is so soft, I wish they made these in adult sizes because I'd TOTALLY wear one!" You have? In that case I have two words for you: cloth pads. Seriously. Get some.
(PS - The Pink Lemonade cloth pads will launch on the Spray Pal website later today, July 2nd, with free shipping on orders over $25. Stay tuned on our Facebook page and keep those notifications turned on because we'll announce their release there first!)
If you're still on the fence, here's a chance for you to win EVERYTHING you'll need to #pamperyourperiod and get going with reusable menstrual products. Since Spray Pal is now carrying Pink Lemonade cloth pads, we've teamed up with them, Intimina, and Maxwell Designs for this great giveaway! Co-hosted by the ladies at Put a Cup in it, which is a great resource if you're looking into switching to a cup. You'll never look back once you do! Let us know if you make the switch, and good luck to all who enter!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Many moms who get hooked on cloth diapers often dread the day their kids learn to use the potty. This seems odd to those outside of our cloth community, but most fluff loving moms can relate. Gone will be the days of matching outfits to the cute diapers you waited patiently to score on release days. No longer will you be able to show off your child's cute fluff at play dates. What will you talk about at your next family gathering??
I get it, believe me. I do.
But here's the good news! You don't have to stay completely cloth free forever! I'm here to tell you that I was one of these reluctant "crunchy moms" at first. Once you start switching over to the crunchy side, you'll find there's a natural progression. It starts with one or two lifestyle changes. The "Gateway Crunch" I'll call it. Sure, I loved breastfeeding and cloth diapering, but that seemed tame enough. But once you make those changes and realize how EASY they are, you start to wonder, "What was I so afraid of? Maybe I should start looking into xyz." We started looking into our grocery labels more closely. We switched to mostly organic food when possible. We started getting "Farm Fresh to You" boxes delivered. I MADE MY OWN DEODORANT. That was probably the moment my husband looked at me and said, "You've gone full crunchy now, haven't you."
Oh, but I hadn't. Not yet, anyways. Once I hit full crunchy in his eyes I felt I just HAD to find a way to take it one step further. And I did. And THIS change was literally the one that has been the easiest to stick with (aside from cloth diapers) and it's the one that has been the most immediate positive change for me. I ditched tampons and pads for a menstrual cup and cloth pads. Seriously. If you had asked me 5 years ago if I'd ever even consider using these things I probably would have crazy-laughed at you and asked you to leave my house. I was AFRAID. I thought it would hurt. I though cloth pads were SO GROSS. The thought of the whole thing was ridiculous! I could NEVER!!
Until I did. And now I know for a fact I will never do it any other way again. My only regret is that I didn't start sooner. It especially makes a whole lot of sense if you're already using cloth diapers. I pre-rinse my cloth pads using my diaper sprayer with the pad clipped into our Spray Pal shield. Then I drop it into the laundry bag. It could not be any easier. And the comfort!! Ladies, it's been years since I've worn one, but I'll never forget the uncomfortableness of a disposable pad. That's one of those memories that will never fade because it's just that awful. If that's a level 2 on a comfort scale of 1-10, then cloth pads are an 11. I'm not kidding. Have you ever bough a brand new cloth diaper and just nuzzled your face in it when you opened it because you can't get over how soft it is? Maybe you've uttered the words, "This thing is so soft, I wish they made these in adult sizes because I'd TOTALLY wear one!" You have? In that case I have two words for you: cloth pads. Seriously. Get some.
(PS - The Pink Lemonade cloth pads will launch on the Spray Pal website later today, July 2nd, with free shipping on orders over $25. Stay tuned on our Facebook page and keep those notifications turned on because we'll announce their release there first!)
If you're still on the fence, here's a chance for you to win EVERYTHING you'll need to #pamperyourperiod and get going with reusable menstrual products. Since Spray Pal is now carrying Pink Lemonade cloth pads, we've teamed up with them, Intimina, and Maxwell Designs for this great giveaway! Co-hosted by the ladies at Put a Cup in it, which is a great resource if you're looking into switching to a cup. You'll never look back once you do! Let us know if you make the switch, and good luck to all who enter!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
#makeclothmainstream video series by Spray Pal episodes 1-3
Have you checked out our new video series yet? We're answering all of YOUR cloth diapering questions to try to take the intimidation factor out of modern cloth diapers. So many people are cloth curious but don't know where to begin. This is a great place to start because we take the fear and turn it into funny!
Cloth diapering is one of those things you just need to jump in and start. Once you get your routine down, it becomes second nature. A couple of extra loads of a week isn't so bad when you consider how much money you can save (notice I said "can" save...I'm looking at you diaper hoarders! LOL), how much less waste you'll create, and how comfortable your baby will be with soft materials against their skin rather than plastic-y chemicals.
Don't get me wrong, we're not here to judge. We all do what's best for our babies and our family's situation. But if the one thing holding you back from making the switch is that fear of the unknown, then sit back with a cup of coffee or plop on your earbuds while you're nursing your baby and tune into out video series below! We might just be able to convince you to make the switch.
You can add your own questions in the comments below and we'll try to answer them in future episodes. Be sure click the red "subscribe" button to subscribe to our channel HERE so you don't miss a thing! We've already had some great special guests from AppleCheeks Cloth Diapers and Lillebaby Baby Carriers, so you never know who else you might get to "meet" via video. ;)
Cloth diapering is one of those things you just need to jump in and start. Once you get your routine down, it becomes second nature. A couple of extra loads of a week isn't so bad when you consider how much money you can save (notice I said "can" save...I'm looking at you diaper hoarders! LOL), how much less waste you'll create, and how comfortable your baby will be with soft materials against their skin rather than plastic-y chemicals.
Don't get me wrong, we're not here to judge. We all do what's best for our babies and our family's situation. But if the one thing holding you back from making the switch is that fear of the unknown, then sit back with a cup of coffee or plop on your earbuds while you're nursing your baby and tune into out video series below! We might just be able to convince you to make the switch.
You can add your own questions in the comments below and we'll try to answer them in future episodes. Be sure click the red "subscribe" button to subscribe to our channel HERE so you don't miss a thing! We've already had some great special guests from AppleCheeks Cloth Diapers and Lillebaby Baby Carriers, so you never know who else you might get to "meet" via video. ;)
Our very first video! Meet Mr. and Mrs. Spray Pal :)
Our second video featuring our friends Amy and Darren from AppleCheeks cloth diapers!
Filmed live from Alt Summit in Salt Lake City with the lovely ladies of Lillebaby!
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Random June Customer Appreciation Giveaway!
I was thinking to myself, "You know, Jen? We pay this monthly fee to rafflecopter and then you hardly ever use it!" So then I convinced myself THAT was a good enough reason to have a random giveaway. Or was it? So then I came up with a list of reasons why a giveaway would be a good idea. 1. It's June, and that means it's almost summer! WOO HOO! 2. We love our customers! So why not?? I could've gone on but really, I had plenty of reasons on that short list, so here we are!
We really want to make the cloth diapering experience as easy as possible for everyone, so here's your chance to win one of our award winning Spray Pal diaper sprayers along with a Spray Pal shield to make pre-rinsing your cloth diapers easier than ever!
Just enter using the rafflecopter below, and THANK YOU for being the best customers and social media interacters (yeah, I just made up that word I think) on the internet! Spray Pal wouldn't be here if it weren't for all of you!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Monday, May 11, 2015
Preparing for Disney World with #minispraypal 1.0
Growing up near Disneyland in California, and even working as a cast member there for 3.5 years, hasn't succeeding in wearing off the Disney magic for me. I still get giddy about a trip to Disneyland, especially now that I can bring my kids and experience the magic through their eyes. So, imagine my excitement when I found out that MommyCon would be traveling to Orlando in May 2015!
I immediately start plotting out a mini family vacay with my four year old daughter. It's perfect because she is the one who asks me EVERY time I leave for a business trip, "Can I come with you this time, Mommy?" And also, Mr. Spray Pal really is a Scrooge McDuck when it comes to Disney. So a mother/daughter trip is perfect, perfect, perfect and I am 1000% times more excited than she is!! She doesn't quite understand the difference between Disneyland and Disney World, so this is going to HUGE. I can't wait to watch her experience this.
So, what am I doing to prepare? Research doesn't even begin to describe it. Let's just say, I'm going to need an intervention to keep me off the My Disney Experience app once this trip is over.
We are staying at a moderate Disney Resort, and I didn't realize that staying on site gave us an advantage for making FastPass+ and dining reservations earlier than the general public. (Yeah, sorry Anna and Elsa FastPass for you, girl!). As soon as I realized I could make these reservations in advance, I scrambled to get what was left, and honestly I'm not disappointed. I think we will have a great variety of attractions and dining experiences, and yes, we'll just have to wait in line for the more popular attractions. ;) Luckily, I've been stalking the wait times on my app and it seems that with the fastpass system in place the standby lines aren't as crazy as I remember them being at Disneyland when I was a kid.
Other preparations we've been doing: Mini SP 1.0 has been upping her game in the chores department trying to earn some souvenir spending money. She's excited to buy something for herself and her brother, and I'm trying to help her realize that these things don't come free. I think it's been a great lesson so far, and I love that she's thinking about her brother, too. She even said, "Maybe we can take a video while we're there and we can bring it back and show Ryan when we get home so he's not sad that he didn't get to come." #bestsisterEVER
So, a couple of questions for you all...if you've experienced Disney World before, is there anything we shouldn't miss? Any tips or tricks for saving time using the Disney transportation? Oh, and here's a BIG question: I just checked the weather and it looks like it's supposed to be 93 and RAINING on both of our days in the parks. We're not going to let a little rain scare us off, but tips for dealing with that? Ponchos and rain boots, or....?? Thanks for any advice!!
I immediately start plotting out a mini family vacay with my four year old daughter. It's perfect because she is the one who asks me EVERY time I leave for a business trip, "Can I come with you this time, Mommy?" And also, Mr. Spray Pal really is a Scrooge McDuck when it comes to Disney. So a mother/daughter trip is perfect, perfect, perfect and I am 1000% times more excited than she is!! She doesn't quite understand the difference between Disneyland and Disney World, so this is going to HUGE. I can't wait to watch her experience this.
Me and my girl at her school's Mother's Day tea. |
Seriously addicting. Once you start, you won't stop! |
5 minute wait times?! Amazing! |
She's busting out the piggy bank for this one. ;) |
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Mother's Day Sales on Spray Pal Products!
This year as we honor all the moms out there, we'd like to let you know where you can score a great deal on a Spray Pal diaper or shield. It may not seem like it at first, but it really is a very sweet gift to give any mother who is taking care of cloth diaper clean up because it will save her loads of time and a tiny bit of her sanity. Trust me. ;)
Here's a list of all the retailers who will be holding a Mother's Day sale tomorrow. Thank you for supporting small businesses with your purchase!
- qdSpray is doing 10% off Spray Pals and the Spray Everything Bundle, which includes a Spray Pal and qdSpray. The code is MOMSDAY. Ends Sunday at .
- Pure. Fresh. Simple. will be having 10% off all spray pals, sprayers and bundles both on the website ( and in their store located in Desert Aire, WA.
- Kelly's Closet is having 10% off Spray Pal and accessories for Mother's Day.
- GreenPath Baby is having a sitewide sale. Check out their website for details!
- La Vie Bebe in Georgia has the Spray Pal 10% off for Mother's Day.
- Babyzagogo has a sitewide coupon code for 10% off, "happymama" through Monday, obviously includes Spray Pal!
- Beach Bums Kailua will have 10% off Spray Pal's items the 10th-16th!
- The Baby Footprint has the Spray Pal for 10% off through the weekend!
Also, Molly's Suds is having a 20% off sale with the code MAKEMOMHAPPY. Check them out at
Enjoy and have a very happy Mother's Day!
Friday, April 17, 2015
The #makeclothmainstream Challenge Grand Finale!
It's hard to believe but our three week challenge is just about to reach the finish line with the Great Cloth Diaper Change events happening this Saturday! It has been amazing to see the reach this event has had in the social media community, not just with cloth diapering families but with so many more who have become cloth curious as a result. Many have even told us that they made the switch to cloth diapers because this challenge was the extra nudge they needed to take the plunge!
Wherever you are in your cloth diapering journey, we're so glad that we were able to be a part of it. And whether you've switched to cloth or your still thinking about it, we'll still be around to help make the transition easier! Our facebook group, The Cloth Diaper Experiment, was started as a way to facilitate the #makeclothmainstreamchallenge, but it won't end with Earth Day. We're happy to keep it going so people can have an upbeat, unintimidating and fun place to talk about cloth and get their questions answered.
To celebrate the conclusion of our challenge, we've set up a pretty fantastic giveaway for you all. The sponsors of the make cloth mainstream challenge have all generously contributed some amazing prizes which you can enter to win below! You can also enter in the Facebook group, just find the "Grand Finale Facebook Giveaways" photo album in the group and look for some bonus prizes in there. We'll be chatting about the prizes during our Google + chat on Saturday night and we'll choose the winners after that, so be sure to check back and see if you've won!
Good luck to all who enter and thank you for being such an amazing group of cloth enthusiasts!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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