Then, a few days ago, our two worlds collided (in a good way, of course!). He emailed me asking if I had heard of Club MomMe and if we'd be able to help him out with pouring their craft beer at their SpringFest event next weekend. Of course we were thrilled to be able to help, and even signed up to get Spray Pal on board with a booth as well! Funny that we heard about this super fun expecting mom and baby event from my brother the brewery owner, lol! So now, if you're in the Orange County, CA area on June 7th, you can stop by and visit me at the Spray Pal booth and Mr. Spray Pal and (not so) little brother Spray Pal aka Mr. Beach City Brewery at the beer tent and learn all about cloth diapers and craft beer! There's something for everyone, right?! ;)
Besides just meeting a good portion of the Spray Pal fam, you'll also hear from some amazing panelists and speakers such as Dr. Harvey Karp from Happiest Baby & Toddler, Daddy & Company, My Life as a Dad, Daddy Doin' Work, and more! You can also partake in some fun, family-friendly festivities! If you haven't reserved your spot yet, you still have a few days left and you can order tickets HERE. Many of the VIP tickets are sold out, but there are still a few options available. You definitely won't want to miss out on the goodie bags and the amazing giveaways!
You can also enter to win a Family Ticket below. Includes 2 Adult tickets and kids plus one gift bag with a ton of product & goodies. Good luck and we hope to see you there!
a Rafflecopter giveaway