Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Cloth Diapers make Babies Walk Later: Don't Believe this Cloth Diaper Myth!

"Your baby will never walk if you use cloth." Or "Babies can't walk with bulky cloth diapers on." How about "You need to use disposables so your baby will walk sooner." Have you heard a version of this myth that cloth diapers delay walking? We have. Needless to say, we disagree!

We were pretty shocked to read this "review" of cloth diapers sent to us by one of our superfans who was just as shocked to read it. It's pretty easy to figure out with their copy and pasting methods (see multiple examples below) that this was someone who was out to get the cloth diaper industry. But, why? That's the part I just don't understand.
We decided to poll our Facebook fans, and with approximately 1700 votes right now, 60% say their child walked before 12 months, with 40% indicating their child walked after 12 months of age.
Several commenters indicated that their disposable diapered children walked later than their cloth diapered siblings, and many parents pointed out that their child's readiness for walking was tightly tied to his or her personality in general! So clearly this reviewer, if s/he is actually a real person, maybe be sharing their opinion in their review, but WHY the severe warnings against cloth diapers? Based on our very unscientific survey, it doesn't seem to have the effect she's claiming on development at all.
Generally, it really doesn't matter when your child walks, and every baby will do things on their own schedule whether they're in cloth or disposables. But if negative nellies are bringing you down about cloth diapers delaying it, don't sweat it! Now you have some evidence to prove this is just a myth. ;)

Want to help counteract these false negative reviews? Leave your reviews for cloth diapers and accessories your family loves!

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