Friday, July 18, 2014

Spray Pal Market Research: Addressing the Comments

We've been conducting some unbiased market research about the Spray Pal, and the results have been fantastic to read.  We are so thrilled that the overwhelming majority of those who use a Spray Pal love it!  And we are learning a lot from the non-Spray Pal users, so thank you for taking the time to respond!  If you haven't taken the survey yet, you can do so HERE and you could even win a Spray Pal OR a BumGenius cloth diaper for the minute or two of your time!

A few of you left some very kind comments that we would like to address for you to show that we truly are reading each of these suggestions and taking them to heart!  We appreciate you giving us the opportunity to learn and improve.  Here goes:

1. In response to the $25 price point, the majority of responders selected the option that said "The price is just right" and a few even said they'd pay more!! LOL.  Don't worry, we don't want to do that.  Of the ones who selected "It should be less," a few of you left some comments that you understand why the price is where it is, but since you have a limited budget you choose to go without, which I totally respect.  And then a few made comments that you think $25 is a fair price if it includes shipping.  That's the part I wanted to address:

You guys know we offer free shipping on orders of $25 or more on our website, right?  Which means the Spray Pal splatter shield and all of the bundles ship FREEMany of our online retailers such as Kelly's Closet and Dream Diapers also offer free shipping when you spend a certain amount along with reward points and other loyalty programs.  AND...we have the Spray Pal available on Amazon prime...which will ship for FREE if you have prime or spend over $35.  Best yet, you can go into a local store and pick one up without any shipping charges!  Not only will you be supporting our small business, but you'll be supporting your own local business economy as well.  Win/win!  And if your local cloth diapering shop doesn't carry the Spray Pal, you can ask them to carry it and 9 times out of 10 I bet we'll get an email from them asking for wholesale information.  Most of our retailers became Spray Pal retailers because of customers like you who went in and told them about it, which we LOVE!!  We are all about supporting small businesses, especially cloth diaper retailers. ;)

2.  Spray Pal storage:  According to the survey, many of you already know this, but we do currently sell a Jaq Jaq Bird wetbag that works great for storing the Spray Pal.  Also, according to the survey, those of you who own one think it's pretty awesome! (It is also our personal favorite for cloth diaper outings, but I digress...) ;)  To address a few comments, this wetbag is not large enough to seal the Spray Pal completely inside, but we've found that actually works to our advantage.  By slipping the Spray Pal in there and leaving the top sticking out a little, the Spray Pal is able to air dry between uses while still being tucked away.  Some of you (as we do at times) leave your Spray Pal standing up in a trash can or tub to air dry, which is great, but the Jaq Jaq Bird wetbag will also do this for you if you'd prefer to have the shield more concealed (like my rhyme?). ;)

3.  A few of you mentioned the squeezing out of the diaper not being as easy as you had hoped.  I totally agree with you...Mr. Spray Pal is way better at that than I am.  But I did figure out a technique that has worked well for me that I'd like to share in the photos below.  The trick is in the bend!  The Spray Pal is made of high quality materials that will stand up just fine to you bending the sh*t out of it (haha, see what I did there?!).  If you check out the graphic below, that was a diaper that had been sprayed for a photo about 2 hours prior, but had been left sitting in the Spray Pal before I thought to take these photos for you.  On the left, I'm just squeezing flat with my thumbs and nothing is really coming out.  You can see in the photo on the right that the water is actually squeezing out just by me bending it.  So, bend away and let the Spray Pal do the work for you!

I hope this information helps those of you who were wondering, and thank you for taking the time to leave the comments.  I'm sure others were wondering the same thing and just didn't speak up (or didn't realize they were wondering until they read this!), so hopefully this will come in handy for a lot of you.  If we come across any other comments that we can help you out with right away, we will do so.  Thank you so much!

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